Pale Blue completed fund raising more than 2.5 billion yen value
Pale Blue granted “President of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Award” at the 6th Space・・・
Pale Blue awarded up to USD 27M for MEXT’s SBIR-3, to develop and operate propulsion syste・・・
Pale Blue to set up new development base for production technologies in Tsukuba
Pale Blue relocates headquarters into MITSUI LINK-Lab KASHIWANOHA following business expan・・・
Pale Blue teams up with TOKYO KEIKI on manufacturing and assembly of prototype mass-produc・・・
Pale Blue listed in NISTEP's "10 NICE STEP Researchers 2023"
Pale Blue has been selected as a finalist in the KPMG Global Tech Innovator Competition 20・・・
Via Satellite features Pale Blue's further funding
SpaceNews covers Pale Blue's $7.5 million fundraising